Quirinale Collections

In early 20th century Cesa 1882 creates a collection of cutlery of Renaissance taste included, ever since the birth of the Italian Republic, in the artistic heritage embellishing the tables of the Presidency of Republic. A very valuable recognition which has sealed Cesa 1882’s prestigious history, a history in the sign of a deep passion for art and culture, for the values inherited from tradition, for meticulous care in the manufacturing process, and the attention to functionality issues


We are official suppliers of the Presidency of the Italian Republic. Photos: Sala delle feste del Quirinale

A history in the sign of a deep passion for art and culture, for the values inherited from tradition, for meticulous care in the manufacturing process, and the attention to functionality issues

Other complements of value, equally decorated in Renaissance style, have later integrated the cutlery collection, thus building up the Argenti del Quirinale (Collection of Silver pieces of the Quirinale Style), real jewels of elegance, recalling history and being the story itself of Cesa 1882.

Quirinale’s Silverpieces for the table, decorated with Renaissance motifs successfully set off by Cesa 1882’s technical experience and artistic taste even in the smallest detail, embellish the most exclusive tables.